today when i was on the relevant website, I came across an article from this month's issue. 5,211 miles of transition by justin boyer. it could not have been a more fitting thing to read. all week i have been dealing with trials. change. deep emotions surfacing. a bittersweet anticipation for the arrival of may 3. tears have been the trend here all week. time has taken its toll on us all. we are tired. worn and weathered. time has put miles and memories on us. built relationships. ties that not even it can break. years spent together as a family. in a home away from home. these are the things that make this difficult. the end of a new chapter. the beginning of a new one. to think that this time a year ago i was writing a letter to one of my best friends, miss lindsey grayce, for her graduation surprise from her momma. time destroys, yet saves us still.
relevant article:
p.s. it took me forever to type this because emmy lou ( my 2 1/2 year old niece) was counting my fingers as i went :)
"me and you and the world" -dave barnes
on an ending note... i have decided to take a cue from a brilliant photographer, mr. blakenship himself, and document everyday of this month. it being my last in college. my last living in anderson. my last with my family in my home away from home. since it is now day 3, here are the pictures from the first 3 days. each has a significance to me. an image to represent my last days at the place i love.
Grier & Chris on the way to the weekly tuesday night dinner @ monterreys. it is the first of our last four. chris spilled his drink on grier's phone & the waiter spilled a drink on my purse.
lauren's mom (michelle aka chelle) and her addressing graduation announcements. t-minus 1 month & counting until we will walk across the front lawn.
today i came home for a dentist appointment. my sister called me because ella wanted to talk to me. "how much longer aunt jamie?" i then spent the afternoon watching Dora and reading books with my nieces. it is in moments like that, i am truly happy.
1 comment:
You make me cry....Jamie! (tear)
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